原酒ごくらく alc39%~44%(製造年度による) 容量720ml
常圧蒸留法により 米もろみをじっくり煮て、お米の自然で豊かな味わいを昇華させ、
Genshu Gokuraku : alc. 39-44% (depending on the production year), 720 ml
Not a drop of water is added to this shochu, which is aged for at least three years as it is in its original form. Enjoy the mature taste, unique sweetness, crisp finish, and fragrant aroma. The natural, rich flavor of the rice is sublimated through the process of slow-boiling the rice malt using the atmospheric distillation method, resulting in a rich, mellow flavor. Genshu Gokuraku is an excellent product that stubbornly preserves the taste of traditional Kuma Shochu.
極楽 常圧蒸留 長期貯蔵 容量 alc25% 35% 容量1800ml 720ml
常圧蒸留法により 米もろみをじっくり煮て、お米の自然で豊かな味わいを昇華させ、
Gokuraku (atmospheric distillation, long-term storage): alc. 25-35%, 1800 ml & 720 ml
This shochu is an excellent product that stubbornly preserves the taste of traditional Kuma Shochu. The natural, rich flavor of the rice is sublimated through the process of slow-boiling the rice malt using the atmospheric distillation method, resulting in a rich, mellow flavor. It is made from the original shochu liquor aged for more than 3 years, and diluted with water to 25%, which is commonly drunk in our area. Please enjoy the soft mellowness of this shochu while retaining its unique sweetness and fragrance. Gokuraku is also available in a slightly stronger 35% alcohol content.
極楽 減圧蒸留 alc25% 容量1800ml 900ml 720ml(new)
Gokuraku (reduced-pressure distillation): alc. 25%, 1800 ml, 900 ml, & 720 ml (new)
This shochu has a gorgeous aroma and a refreshing taste, thanks to the low-pressure distillation method. It has a fruity, softly sweet aroma, fine texture, and crisp finish.
Other limited edition products such as the 6 year and 26 year aged types are also available. Please contact us for more information.
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